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Patient notice

Due to staff shortages affecting both our reception team and doctors, we kindly ask for your patience when calling the practice or visiting the front desk. We are doing our best to assist everyone as quickly as possible.

We appreciate your understanding.


How to request an appointment

We encourage patients to use our online contact form for all appointment requests, as this helps us triage effectively. When you submit a request, it will be reviewed by the triage doctor, who may:

  • Action your request immediately if no further consultation is required
  • Message, call, or send you a questionnaire for more information if needed
  • Offer an urgent same-day telephone or face-to-face appointment with a GP, minor illness nurse, or paramedic
  • Book a routine telephone or face-to-face appointment with a GP
  • Book you into the Emergency Same Day Minor Illness (ESDMI) clinic for suitable acute problems
  • Refer you to the Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) if appropriate
  • Book you into the Pharmacy First Service for minor illnesses
  • Pass your request to the practice pharmacist for medication queries

Please include as much information as possible on the triage form while being clear and concise. This will help us manage your request efficiently.

Urgent appointments

To request an urgent appointment for today or tomorrow (Monday to Friday) during opening times:

When you get in touch, we will ask what you need help with to ensure you’re directed to the most appropriate healthcare professional, whether it’s a doctor, nurse, or paramedic.

Routine appointments

To request a routine appointment in advance:

  • use the contact us online form
  • you can also use your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App) or SystmOnline for specific nursing appointments, such as phlebotomy, cervical smears, or certain vaccinations.

If you’re unable to complete the online form, you can call reception, and we will fill out a triage form on your behalf.

Nurse appointments

To request a nurse appointment, please call 01285 653122 or 01285 653184 and speak to a receptionist, who will be happy to help.

Cancelling or changing an appointment

If you are unable to attend your appointment, please:

Alternatively, you can call the surgery as soon as possible. This helps us to offer the appointment slot to another patient in need.

Appointment length

Most appointments are 15 minutes long. To ensure that all of your health concerns are addressed safely and effectively:

  • One major or two minor issues can typically be addressed during a 15-minute appointment.
  • If you have multiple or complex issues, you may be asked to book another appointment.

Please be mindful that the time of our doctors and nurses is limited, and they may have other patients waiting. However, if you or another patient requires a longer consultation, this may delay appointments. We appreciate your understanding.

Telephone appointments

If you are offered a telephone appointment, please note that these are for phone consultations only. Do not come to the surgery unless you have been given a pre-booked face-to-face appointment.

Pharmacy first and medication queries

For minor illnesses, we may refer you to the Pharmacy First Service. This service allows pharmacists to assess and treat a range of minor conditions without the need to see a GP. For medication-related queries, your request may be passed on to the practice pharmacist, who can provide expert advice and support.

Out of hours and Message Link service

During parts of the day, our phone service is managed by Message Link, an emergency messaging service. If you call during these times and need a doctor urgently, Message Link will contact the surgery on your behalf. For non-urgent queries, they will advise you when to call back.

Enhanced access appointments

We offer extended access appointments on Thursday evenings at the Avenue Surgery and Saturday appointments across the South Cotswolds locality. These appointments are available to patients who need evening or weekend access to primary care services

Home visit requests

Patients who are housebound or severely unwell and unable to attend the surgery may request a home visit. Please use the online contact form or call 01285 653122 or 01285 653184. If possible, request a visit before 10:30am to allow the team to plan their visits effectively.

Help us help you

To help us provide the best care for you and your family, we kindly ask you to keep the following in mind:

  • Use the online contact form: For all queries, appointment requests, and general communication, the online form allows us to direct your request to the most appropriate team member.
  • Order repeat medication in advance: Allow up to 48 hours for repeat prescriptions to be processed, and use online services wherever possible to avoid delays.
  • Cancel appointments early: If you cannot attend an appointment, please cancel as soon as possible. This helps us offer the slot to another patient in need.
  • Be prepared for your appointment: Write down your symptoms or concerns beforehand and bring any relevant information with you. This helps make the most of your consultation time.
  • Use Pharmacy First: For minor illnesses, consult your local pharmacist first. They are trained to provide advice and treatment for a range of common conditions.
  • Be considerate of appointment length: Understand that appointments are generally 15 minutes, and multiple or complex issues may require additional appointments.
  • Understand telephone triage: Telephone appointments or advice may be appropriate for your needs and save you a trip to the surgery.

By working together, we can ensure that all patients receive the best possible care.

Related information

Health A to Z

Sick notes

Test results

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 24 October 2024