Please select a condition from the list below for useful self-care guides and patient information leaflets.
- Angular Cheilitis (PDF)
- Athlete’s foot (PDF)
- Back pain (PDF)
- Back pain (Acute lower) (PDF)
- Back pain in pregnancy (PDF)
- Blepharitis (PDF)
- Burns and scalds (PDF)
- Campylobacter (PDF)
- Carpal tunnel syndrome (PDF)
- Cervical spondylosis (PDF)
- Chickenpox (PDF)
- Chilblains (PDF)
- Conjunctivitis (PDF)
- Constipation (PDF)
- Coughs and colds (PDF)
- Diarrhoea in adults (PDF)
- Dry skin (PDF)
- Earwax (PDF)
- ECG – What to expect (PDF)
- Eczema in children (PDF)
- Fear of flying (PDF)
- Gestational Diabetes (PDF)
- Glandular fever (PDF)
- Hay fever (PDF)
- Hypothyroidism (PDF)
- Influenza (PDF)
- Impetigo (PDF)
- Ingrowing toenail (PDF)
- Inguinal Hernias (PDF)
- Infantile colic (PDF)
- Intertrigo (PDF)
- Insomnia (PDF)
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (PDF)
- Kidney Disease and acute illness (PDF)
- Leg cramps (PDF)
- Lice (PDF)
- Lipodermatosclerosis (PDF)
- Measles (PDF)
- Middle ear infection (PDF)
- Migraines (PDF)
- Mouth ulcers (PDF)
- Nosebleeds (PDF)
- Oesteoarthritis of the hip (PDF)
- Olecranon Bursitis (PDF)
- Otitis Externa (PDF)
- Pain management (PDF)
- Perioral dermatitis (PDF)
- Physio self management
- Piles (PDF)
- Plantar fasciitis (PDF)
- Pre-diabetes (PDF)
- Probiotics (PDF)
- Reflux (PDF)
- Roseola (PDF)
- Rotator cuff pain (PDF)
- Scarlet fever (PDF)
- Sciatica (PDF)
- Sinusitis (PDF)
- Slapped cheek (fifth disease) (PDF)
- Steroid injections (PDF)
- Stings and bites (PDF)
- Tennis elbow (PDF)
- Threadworms (PDF)
- Thrush (PDF)
- Tick bites (PDF)
- Tonsillitis and sore throat (PDF)
- Trigger finger (PDF)
- Urticaria (PDF)
- Warts and verrucae (PDF)
If the information you are looking for is not listed above, then try visiting: Patient info. This is one of the most trusted medial resources online, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics.
The NHS website has information to help you take control of your health and wellbeing, get medical advice about services and find support for a healthy life. Visit NHS