In line with the Health and Social Care Act 2012: Code of practice on prevention and control of infection and its related guidance, this annual statement will be generated annually and it will summarise:
- Any infection transmission incidents and any action taken (these will have been reported in accordance with our significant event procedure)
- Details of any infection control audits undertaken and actions undertaken
- Details of any infection control risk assessments undertaken
- Details of staff training
- Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines
Background and scope – Infection control leads
Responsibilities within the practice:
- Infection prevention and control GP lead is Dr Rachael Wickett
- Infection prevention and control nurse lead is Berit Bengtsson
- Practice manager’s are Sue Dunham and Anita Logan
- This protocol applies to all staff employed by the practice
Significant events
We have had no significant event relating to infection control in the last year.
In February 2023 an infection prevention and control in General Practice audit was completed by the lead practice nurse and IC nurse lead at both practice sites.
Regular checking of cleaning processes are completed by the practice and green machine.
Infection prevention and control policies and procedures have been updated and circulated.
All staff received hand hygiene training and all staff employed prior to the Covid pandemic have completed a hand washing audit using infrared lighting equipment. A hand washing audit has been arranged in 2023.
Risk assessments
We complete annual risk assessments of the premises and safe systems of work are introduced as required.
All staff are required to undertake online infection control training pertinent to their role.
Policies, procedures and guidelines
Policies relating to infection prevention and control are reviewed and if appropriate updated annually.
A Covid infection prevention and control policy was implemented in 2020.
All policies are amended on an on-going basis as current advice changes.
Electronic copies of policies, procedures and guidelines can be found on the practice shared drive.
Any changes are disseminated within the practice accordingly.
It is the responsibility of each individual to be familiar with this statement and their roles & responsibilities under this. It is also the responsibility of the IC Leads to ensure staff are familiar with the contents.
Review date
To be reviewed annually.
The next review is due in February 2024.
Responsibility for review
The IC lead GP & IC lead nurse are responsible for reviewing and sharing this statement.